
  1. Caitlin Clark, with her array of basketball skills, has filled arenas in her inaugural WNBA season. However, the idea of merit clashes with the leftist, egalitarian mindset that dominates in the league, and the early reaction to her success has been discouraging.
  2. Lysander Spooner was one of this country’s most important libertarians. His views on economics, while flawed, are free market in principle and have some insights Austrians can appreciate.
  3. Is charity a right held by everyone or should charity be confined to private, voluntary action within a free market? David Gordon argues for the latter.
  4. The expansion of "civil rights" places emphasis upon "positive rights" that apply to specific groups with political privilege. This is a far cry from the concept of rights that helped build a free society in the United States.
  5. The tainted blood scandal in the UK should be a warning to people about the dangers of the National Health Service. Instead, we hear endless promises of reform that never will happen.