Restore Dislike Counts on YouTube
Many of you are aware that YouTube recently removed the display of dislikes from videos posted to that service. Thanks to enterprising citizens, you can reverse this attempt to censor information they don't want you to know by making a very quick adjustment to your browser. Go to this link and you will be presented with options for all major browsers. I have tested this on two PC's both running the Brave browser (which is based on Chrome without most of the invasive features of Chrome) - M.J. Nixson
Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted on All Charges
Click on image above to view video of the jury's decision and read NY Post coverge of this story. Note that video may take a few seconds to load!
editors note. This affidavit has been filed by a physician with a rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Army and is a must read for anyone concerned about the criminal actions of our government. After you browse through this physician's credentials and record of military service, you should note the statements in item 39, "All three of the EUA Covid 19 vaccines ... in the age group and fitness level of my patients, are more risky, harmful and dangerous than having no vaccine at all" and "Direct evidence exists and suggests that all persons who have received a Covid 19 Vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner."
This vacine is a crime against humanity!
Letter to a Covidian: A Time-Travel Experiment
The Criminalization of Physical Presence … and the Power of a Hug
Hello there. I understand you’re a believer. You have zealous, unwavering faith in the System. You Trust The Science™. You deem anything that falls beyond the margins of the approved narrative “misinformation,” “conspiracy theories,” and “fake news.”
You dutifully wear your badge of obedience. You social distance. You lock down when you’re told to lock down. You report others for violating these and any other applicable dictates.
You were first in line to get injected. You were first in line to get re-injected. You cried tears of joy both times. You cannot wait to get your booster injection.
The Beginning of the End?
Peter Schiff calls the latest move by the Fed, "Operation Screw". A man that eloquent should be listened to!
The Stimulus Trap
Economic Commentary by Peter Schiff
For years we have been warned by Keynesian economists to fear the so-called "liquidity trap," an economic cul-de-sac that can suck down an economy like a tar pit swallowing a mastodon. They argue that economies grow because banks lend and consumers spend. But a "liquidity trap," they argue, convinces consumers not to consume and businesses not to borrow. The resulting combination of slack demand and falling prices creates a pernicious cycle that cannot be overcome by the ordinary forces that create growth, like savings or investment. Read More >>
Treachery in the Maryland House of Delegates
I went to Annapolis yesterday, March 29th, to support our Second Amendment rights in front of the House Judiciary and Health and Government Operations committees as they were making their final review of the governor's gun bill.
The experience left me greatly disappointed in our elected officials. In fact, I left the committee room in protest of their arrogance and tyranny. Someone who was there made a video of the moment that precipitated my leaving the room and I thought it would be a good idea to make people aware of the treachery being employed by our state representatives as they strive to strip us of our rights. John Kotmair. Watch the video here.
Former FBI Employee: Bombers Recruited By FBI
Former FBI employee Sibel Edmonds believes the pursuit of truth will eventually lead to a far more secret agenda by the US, which she reveals to RT. Read more here.
Florida Sheriff arrested by Gov. Scott for upholding Constitution!!!
Florida Sheriff arrested for not violating his Oath to uphold the Right secured by the 2nd Amendment!!! Start a clamor to arrest and impeach Florida Gov. Scott!!! Read More Here!
Crushing the Middle Class
Like a carefully memorized religious incantation, politicians and central bankers [continuously - continually?] stress how their stimulus policies are designed to promote the interests and prosperity of the middle class. Cynical observers may note that this brave political stance may have something to do with gaining the support of the vast majority of voters who identify themselves as "middle class." However, the cumulative effect of their economic programs has achieved the opposite. The middle class is being crushed under increased taxes, negative real interest rates, debased currencies and increasingly intrusive regulations... Read More
Congress to close down, fly Air Force planes to Florida for funeral of Rep. C.W. Bill Young
Congress will shut down on Thursday, and leaders have told lawmakers the Defense Department will fly them to Florida for the funeral of Rep. C.W. Bill Young, who died late last week.
- A Victory for the Good Guys!
- A Rebirth of Liberty and Learning
- Empire on Their Minds
- Do you have the courage of Bassem Youssef?
- Educating the Public
- Send out the clowns
- War Is A Racket
- A USS Liberty’s Hero’s Passing
- I Trolled My Congressman On Twitter
- Is Police Brutality Color-Blind?
- NSA's Own Secret Google
- Sidestepping Ukraine’s N-Word
- Barack, We Hardly Knew Ye
- Dangerous Nostrums About Islam
- John McCain - Traitor?
- The Strange Ferguson Grand Jury
- How to Get Rich by "Serving" the Public
- The Real Reason for Torture
- Why Gun Control Laws Suck
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