A Run on the State
"History teaches us that history teaches us nothing."
~ Hegel
So far, Hegel seems to be right. Cycles come and cycles go — especially in terms of economics and liberty. Those who observe and remember, can discover, analyze, and predict the next cycle while the majority of the people remain in the dark, repeatedly surprised by avoidable calamities.
Jefferson killed a bank. Jackson killed a bank. Now it's our responsibility to untold generations to stand up and throw off the shackles of yet another criminal syndicate with the respectable sounding name: "Federal Reserve Bank."
Well Meaning But Flawed
Libertarianism: the radical idea that other people are not your property!
I was recently sent an email from a local businessman who railed against the anti-business mentality of the current Democratic administration. He described in some detail how Barack Obama doesn't have a clue as to how businesses create things including jobs. No argument there. He details the utter incompetence of agencies like the IRS, the gross misapplication of unemployment benefits and of course our favorite non-government, government agency, the U.S. Postal service (made private by Republican Richard Nixon of course). I'm sure he could have made a longer list but brevity is after all a virtue. He goes on to show how we spend more than we take in and how a private family doing the same thing would quickly go belly up. Again, he's just talking about what constitutes responsible behavior. He then concludes that the solution is to elect a select group of conservative tea party folks with business experience or at least business knowledge and who presumably, along with others of like mind, will put the country on the right track.
While well meaning, let me address each of these points in some detail.
Why Charlie Rose is an embarrassment to CBS
Recently CBS 60 Minutes' Charlie Rose interviewed Bashir al-Assad. President of Syria. If you watch the replay of that interview on their web site, Assad responding to a question about support for ISIS by the Syrian people by saying, “They have lost. Except the very ideological people who have Wahhabi state of mind and ideology.” Rose (or the editor) then moves on to an unrelated question about civilian casualties without follow up to the ideology of Wahhabism.
My immediate reaction while watching this is that Rose has no clue what Wahhabism is all about. Later Asad (not Rose) brings up the Saudis and Wahhabism again.
I should preface my remarks below by warning that I am none too pleased with those who are trying to tear our society apart. So much so that I may hurt a lot of feelings of the woke crowd. If your feeling get hurt easily, move on because I'm going to savage you here. MJN. |
In looking at the insanity going on around us, much can be explained by the spoiled nature of our society. Viktor Frankl, author of Man's Search for Meaning described in 1979 how that generation (mine in fact) were generally not challenged in life as earlier generations were (unlike his generation including himself who went through the holocaust and those who came out were stronger for it in many ways) and had everything handed to them resulting in a society of spoiled little brats. Now we are reaping what we sowed. It manifests itself most egregiously with a bunch of middle class kids who have no skills to survive in life (they think food comes from the grocery store!) and will starve if left to their own devices. Their entire reality is defined by the devices they hold in their hands. Then there are generations of black citizens whose grandparents once fought and died to achieve their rights but now sit back waiting for so called white supremacists to give them what they think they are entitled to. And then you have upper class virtue signalers who give to causes like black lives matters and antifa only to perpetuate class divisions so they can sip fine wine while the country burns outside of their gated communities.
By: John Baptist Kotmair, Jr.
The only real possibility of saving our Constitutional Republic, outside of the unthinkable, and in my opinion, unwinable violent counterrevolution, is the present growing movement for Nullification, (refusal to enforce or obey an unconstitutional law).
I have been watching State Nullification spark and re-ignite the Torch of Liberty with great interest, because in reality it is the only peaceable way to end the present growing Police State. Yet, as thrilling as is this history-in-the-making, there is the ominous danger of push-comes-to-shove hostilities. After all, you cannot expect the central banking cabal − that spent the last 152 years working to undermine the Constitution with seditious legislation, made possible in part by various false flag events − to allow this Nullification movement to gain ground. Amazingly, these seditious acts went unchallenged by complacent Americans, but the old refrain “it cannot happen here” is growing fainter every day.
Mr. Schiff Goes to Washington
Peter Schiff knocks it out of the park in front of the Congressional Job Committee.
- Gun Owners Refuse to Register Under New York Law
- What, no demonstrations for me?
- Wake Up Call 2013: Obama DHS Prepares For Civil War
- US Media Rules of Reporting on Israeli ‘Operations’ in Gaza
- Liberal NPR Is Laundering CIA Talking Points to Make You Scared of NSA Reporting
- We Are the Enemy: Is This the Lesson of Ferguson?
- Why You Should Assert Your Rights
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